Magensa TokenExchange Service is a cloud-based, data protection service supporting the generation, transport, and redemption of dynamically generated, vaultless tokens that can be easily integrated into any payment application or business process.
Magensa TokenExchange Service
The Magensa TokenExchange supports three types of tokens to best match your business needs: Payment Tokens, Transaction Tokens, and PII Tokens.
Key Benefits of TokenExchange
TokenExchange removes sensitive data from ecosystems while retaining the ability to perform necessary transactions without compromising security. This enables secure storage of payment credentials on file, subscriptions, eCommerce, in-app payments, and reward programs.
Made for Individuals and Corporations that Need to Keep Sensitive Information Private
TokenExchange is recommended for resellers, VARs, ISVs, and developers, through the Magensa Payment Protection Gateway Service or Decrypt and Forward Service, who wish to create and redeem tokens based on the payment application.
Payment Tokens and TokenExchange Connect
Payment Tokens are used for applications such as eCommerce, card on file, or payment operations like Sale, Auth/Capture, Void, and Refund. Payment tokens are automatically returned with all Magensa Payment Protection Gateway (MPPG) and Decrypt and Forward (DaF) transactions or can be requested explicitly through Magensa client-side JavaScript called TokenExchange Connect for any manually entered card data.
Transaction Tokens
Transaction Tokens facilitate e-invoices or payment requests leveraging patent-pending token technology. Sensitive merchant credentials, transaction details, and branding information are converted into a secure token with a URL payment page. Hosted by the Magensa Payment Protection Gateway, the URL is available via email, SMS, or converted into a displayed or printed QR Code. The target consumer simply clicks or scans the token to launch a custom branded secure payment page. TransactionTokens enable numerous remote and touch-free payment solutions.
Build Loyalty Programs
Payment tokens containing encrypted PAN and expiration dates are used for card-on-file and facilitating secure reduced PCI scope for eCommerce transactions. These tokens are automatically returned after any transaction or explicitly called utilizing Magensa TokenExchange – client-side JavaScript. These tokens can also be implemented to support cross-merchant use or to build out loyalty and reward programs.
Offer Touch-free Payment Solutions
Central to Magensa’s payment gateway services is the ability to deliver touch-free solutions on location, mobile, or on-line. Security through dynamic encryption and tokenization, a PCI-DSS infrastructure, and omni-channel support to initiate and complete payments are at the heart of our touch-free platform.
Magensa’s TokenExchange is a cloud service operating in a PCI-DSS certified environment. TokenExchange is accessed via REST APIs.
Security and Key Management
Magensa’s encrypted tokens stand up to the most modern attacks and are resilient to quantum computer hacking techniques. Tokens are created by leveraging symmetric AES/3DES key encryption within a hardware security module (HSM) using a derived unique key per transaction (DUKPT) key management scheme.
Dynamic Tokenization
Dynamic tokenization means a unique token is generated using a unique encryption key for each token created, which is more secure than using a static token.
Unique, Vaultless Solution
Magensa’s Tokenization Service is vaultless. The customer maintains control (custodianship) of the data as an encrypted token without the worry or access to encryption keys; greatly reducing financial and reputational risk associated with a data breach.
Standard Configurations
Provider |
Magensa Services |
Format |
Platform-as-a-Service |
Encryption Schemes |
Key Management |
Compatible OS |
Windows, iOS, Android |
Compatible Devices |
Secure card reader authenticators |